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Food Legislation: Opportunity or Threat?

Online Workshop – for innovators in food

5 November 2020 | 15:00 - 17:00

Food Legislation

Legislation in food ingredients

Innovation is at the core of the food ingredients industry and is often steered by legislation. In the search for innovative ingredients for clean label, low or natural derived sugars, low fat or high fibres and/or healthy solutions, many food ingredients producers experience difficulties in interpreting food legislation. Are the enforced restrictions on food safety and health claims an opportunity or a threat for future businesses?

In this online IFFI session industry experts focus on the short term threat of the intended decison of the NVWA to enforce the new nomenclature about additives and processing aids. IFFI foresees a tremendous negative impact of this decision on the day-to-day business of IFFI’s membering companies. At the same time IFFI wishes to define the direction for both industry and governmental authorities to use additives and procesing aids in a safe and transparant way.

With this wake-up call IFFI wishes to re-address the importance of food legislation, allowing the IFFI members and other interested food companies to define the current status quo on legislation matters. And what are best cases and possible ‘way-outs’ to use additives and processing aids without jeopardizing food safety and transparancy?

15.00 – 15.15 hours

Opening and introduction industry experts

Ruud Peerbooms (chairman IFFI)

15.15 – 15.30 hours

Call for Urgency & Importancy

Renee Boerefijn (Director of Innovation at Bunge Loders Croklaan)

15.30 – 16.00 hours

What is the problem?

Table discussion

16.00 – 16.15 hours

Q & A’s

Participants & Experts

16.15 – 16.45 hours

What is the solution?

Table discussion

16.45 – 17.00 hours

Q & A

Participants & Experts

17.00 hours

Summary and closing

Ruud Peerbooms (chairman IFFI)

Ruud Peerbooms – President Algae Ingredients, Corbion

A true industry expert who has a track record of managing food ingredients business. Ruud filled in different commercial roles for AkzNobel, Bunge Loders Croklaan, Galactic, Kerry and Corbion. Previously responsible for the EMEA food ingredients business of Corbion, currently managing Corbion’s Algae Ingredients business. Ruud is chairman of IFFI.


Renee Boerefijn – Director of Innovation, Bunge Loders Croklaan

A true innovator managing innovation teams and pipelines for Bunge Loders Croklaan. Having a strong background in process and product innovation and has worked for Unilever and Corbion. Boardmember of IFFI and chairman of the FNLI working group Additives.


Simone Bouman – Sr. Industry Director, Corbion

Simone has a broad experience in managing different parts of the business of Corbion, filling in senior management roles in R&D, Business Management and Business Development.

Simone Bouman

Barbara Mutsaers – Lawyer, AKD

Barbara is specialised in the international food law and life sciences. And acts as a trusted adviser for food ingredients companies with regard to food and health related legislation.

Barbara Mutsaers

Frans Egberts – former MD Henri van de Bilt and Vice-President Clitravi*

* CLITRAVI: Liaison Centre for the Meat Processing Industry in the European Union 

For many years Frans has led the business of Vleeswarenfabriek Henri van de Bilt. A ‘seasoned’ manager and true industry expert in the meat processing industry. Frans is chairman of V&V (Dutch association of meat processing industry) and vice-president of CLITRAVI.

Frans Egberts

The workshop is for innovation and R&D managers, business development executives and legislation specialists of food ingredient producers. Representatives of IFFI member and non-IFFI member companies actively participate in this session and share insights about food legislation.


  • IFFI members subscribe for participation using their MY IFFI account (participation is included in the membership fee)
  • Non-IFFI members can purchase a ticket using the online orderdesk


Online event hosted from the IFFI studio.


Not applicable


5 November 2020
15:00 - 17:00
Event Category:


+31 (6) 254 333 96


Online event