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The New Consumer

Online workshop – Members Only

19 May 2020 | 15:00 - 17:00

The impact of the corona-crisis on the Innovation in Ingredients

It is hard to believe that only 1 ½ months ago the world looked very different to what it is today. Many countries having implemented social distancing and some have implemented a total lock down. Consumers are allowed to walk in a straight line from their homes to the nearest supermarket and back again. In some countries one needs a permit to do so. Once consumers are in supermarkets they have to mind the 1 ½ meter social distancing. Out of Home dining is banned, online delivering of groceries are the preferred shopping method.

The New Consumer

In the meantime producers of food ingredients are still working hard to deliver innovative food concepts to the market place based on pre-corona consumer needs. However, should we not question whether these consumer needs are still valid justifying our todays innovation efforts? It might well be that consumers in the midst of the corona-crises as well as in the following months or years may be in need of different food concepts. And if so, how should our ingredients match the needs of The New Consumer?

IFFI facilitates an online workshop in which IFFI members exchange their experiences and insights about The New Consumer. New consumer needs may justify the addition of other innovative projects to your current innovation portfolio. Or, on the contrary, the latest insights may confirm that your innovation portfolio is still corona-proof?

The online meeting in ZOOM is facilitated from the IFFI studio with the following program:

15.00 – 15.05 hours

Opening & welcome

Halbe Vogel, IFFI

15.05 – 15.35 hours

Introduction of participants

15.35 – 15.50 hours

Considerations shared

Martijn Stork, Cargill C&C
Renee Boerefijn, Bunge LC

15.50 – 16.00 hours


16.00 – 16.45 hours

Plenary Discussion

16.45 – 17.00 hours

Wrap up & closing

Halbe Vogel

At the start of the 2-hour workshop some experts in the field of innovation in ingredients share their considerations with respect to the topic The New Consumer.

Introduction of industry experts

Martijn Stork, Technical Service Lead EMEA, Cargill Cocoa & Chocolate

Responsible for the innovation portfolio’s of customer driven projects for Cargill Cocoa & Chocolate. Facilitating the delivery of impactful innovations to the marketplace with a newly formed team of highly talented people.

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Renee Boerefijn, Director of Innovation, Bunge Loders Croklaan

Experienced innovator with a broad knowledge of process technology and product development. Managing the innovation funnel for Bunge Loders Croklaan, developing and delivering new products and concepts to food producers.

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The online workshop is for Members Only and innovation and marketing executives of the IFFI member companies participate and share insights about the impact of the corona crisis on their innovation portfolio’s.


Past event, no registration possible.


Online event hosted from the IFFI studio.


Not applicable.


19 May 2020
15:00 - 17:00
Event Category:


IFFI Studio
online Netherlands


+31 (6) 254 333 96