
For Members Only, participation is covered by the membership fee. *
- please register by filling in your login details
* IFFI members are employed by the IFFI member companies
Fee for non-members is € 450,-, excl VAT.
Kasteel De Vanenburg
Vanenburgerallee 13
Kasteel De Vanenburg offers a special discount of 15% on the hotel fee for IFFI participants who wish to reserve a hotel room on November 25. Please contact the hotel directly via, indicating that you are a IFFI participant.
Corona check
Kasteel De Vanenburg and IFFI follow the current Dutch Government (RIVM) guidelines regarding Covid-19.
Upon arrival at Kasteel De Vanenburg, your corona entry pass will be scanned via the Corona CheckApp, and your ID will be checked.
You will be admitted to the location with a valid vaccination certificate, test certificate (max. 24 hours old) or recovery certificate). If you cannot show a valid corona entry pass, you are not allowed to enter the venue.