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Food Legislation

Online network meeting – for innovation executives

9 February 2021 | 16:00 - 18:30

IFFI Event Food Legislation 2021

The upcoming new nomenclature of food additives

In this meeting industry experts and representatives of the European trade associations provide an update and a quantified impact of the adjusted nomenclature of food additives and processing aids on the European business of food ingredients suppliers.

Minutes & Presentation

The impact on future innovative businesses

As the nomenclature of food additives and processing aids may alter overtime, how will this affect the innovation strategies of the producers of food ingredients? Despite the increased restrictions are clean labels of processed foods still be a target within reach? If not, will the consumer accept that chemistry is in nature and that this applies also to foods? In fact, how should the food ingredients industry respond to such drastic changes in nomenclature? All these questions and many more will be addressed by the innovation executives of the food ingredients industry.

16.00 – 16.05 hours

Opening meeting

Ruud Peerbooms, IFFI

16.05 – 17.00 hours

The upcoming new nomenclature of food additives
Round table discussion with industry experts

17.00 – 17.15 hours

Networking & food/drink

17.15 – 18.15 hours

The impact on future innovative business
Break out / plenary sessions with innovation executives

Halbe Vogel, IFFI

18.15 – 18.30 hours

Wrap up & closing

Ruud Peerbooms, IFFI

In this online session representatives of European trade associations within the field of food ingredients an industry experts will discuss the changing nomenclature of food additives and processing aids. The participating innovation and business development executives will discuss the impact on their businesses and the way to go forward with innovation.


  • Ruud Peerbooms, Chair – IFFI
  • Maryse Hervé, Secretary General – EU Specialty Food Ingredients
  • Huub Scheres, Director External Affairs – DuPont

The online meeting is for innovation and business development executives in the food (ingredients) industry sharing insights about the impact of the changing nomenclature of food additives and processing aids on their business. And in particular how to go forward with strategizing innovation.


For Members Only, participation is covered by the membership fee. *

  • please register by filling in your login details

* IFFI members are employed by the IFFI member companies


Online event hosted by StudioWHY


Not applicable


9 February 2021
16:00 - 18:30
Free – €150
Event Category:


Online event


+31 (6) 254 333 96