10.30 hrs
Food for Thought (theme 1) by Vinay Dharampal, Royal Smilde Foods
11.00 hrs
Food for Thought (theme 2) by Willem Cranenbroek and Thea Smit, Vion Food Group
Within the production of meat replacers there is still a big gap between vegetarian and vegan. More and more requests are about vegan, but the challenge is to find a binder with the same characteristics as a real egg. What binding agent has no off flavour, no off color and gives a stable binding/bite in warm as well as cold applications?
11.30 hrs
Food for Thought (theme 3) by René Kleinsmit, Pré Pain
How will the concept of bread change in the future and what will it look like? Will the approach become more holistic, like revaluing side-streams for bread application purposes or will new bread baking processes require future technologies? René will address these questions and invite the participants to share their answers to this question with him.
13.00 hrs
Theme 1, Idea exploration by Madeleine Gielens, MaGie Creations
13.45 hrs
14.00 hrs
Theme 2, Idea exploration by Loek Voermans, Seaweed Solutions
14.45 hrs
15.00 hrs
Theme 3, Idea generation by Inez van Oord, Fiber Foods
15.45 hr
16.00 hr
Feedback and follow up by Kitchen Republic
16.30 hrs
Wrap up by Halbe Vogel, IFFI
16.45 hrs
Closing and drinks
18.00 hrs
Drinks and dinner at Brasserie Vessel, Amsterdam
21.00 hrs
Networking time