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Consumer Centricity

Online masterclass – for innovation executives

18 March 2021 | 13:45 - 19 March 2021 | 12:15

IFFI Event Customer Centricity BA

Put the consumer at the heart of innovation

This online masterclass ‘Consumer Centricity’ will be about consumer driven innovation rather than customer driven innovation. Changing the innovation scope from delivering customer solutions to consumer demands. Starting with the outside-in approach to facilitate a co-creation process with your customer’s customer. And many more marketing related insights and best practices as part of the overall innovation strategy of food ingredients will be shared between innovation executives.

The masterclass is about Consumer Centricity and will touch on different aspects of innovation within food. The first module provides insights in understanding consumers. Mrs Lu Ann Williams of Innova Market Insights will share their Top 10 Trends as part of the exploration phase of the online Design Thinking process. Mrs Jolanda Marring of Royal Koopmans shares her experiences in consumer marketing now applying in the innovation of food ingredients. The output of the first module, including one or more real-time innovation cases, will be used for the second module.

In the second module StudioWHY will facillitate the ideation and prototyping phase of the online Design Thinking process. In highly interactive sessions the participants will experience what it is like to work in an online environment together on an innovation process. And additionally have access to a jointly developed prototype of concept to be tested in the market.

18 March 2021

13.45 – 17.15 hours

Understanding Consumers


Opening & Introduction

Halbe Vogel, IFFI


Introduction STUDIO.WHY Design Thinking & Food Battle

Kees Froeling & Mark Herberts, STUDIO.WHY


Consumer Trends, Innovation Drivers

Lu Ann Williams, Innova Market Insights


Tools & Exploration

Interactive exercise


Consumer Platforms, Innovation Generators

Jolanda Marring, Royal Koopmans


Insights & Defining the core challenge

Interactive exercise


Wrap up & closing

Halbe Vogel, IFFI

19 March 2021

09.00 – 12.15 hours

Design Thinking


Opening & Introduction

Halbe Vogel, IFFI


Introduction STUDIO.WHY Design Thinking

Kees Froeling & Mark Herberts, STUDIO.WHY


Concept Design

Interactive exercise


Feedback in plenary session


Experiment Design

Interactive exercise


Feedback in plenary session


Wrap up & closing

Halbe Vogel, IFFI

Lu Ann Williams is co-founder and Global Insights Director of Innova Markets Insights. In 1994 together with her husband Lu Ann established this global knowledge leading company in the food and beverage industry. Innova has a reputated extensive tracking system for new food and beverage product launches in more than 90 countries and uses advanced data analytics to convert industry-leading market research into meaningful guidance on present and future trends in FMCG. In the first module of the masterclass, LU Ann will use their Top 10 Trends to provide context on how ingredient companies can use trends and consumer insights to guide innovation.

Lu Ann Williams

Since 2019 Jolanda Marring is Manager Innovation & Marketing at Royal Koopmans and oversees Koopmans innovation and marketing activities in the business-to-business landscape of the food industry. Prior Jolanda worked in consumer marketing roles for food producers like Stegeman, Zwanenberg, Smilde Foods. And applies today her experience and insights on consumer marketing in a business-to-business context of food ingredients. Jolanda will share with us her views on working with consumer platforms generating the next generation of innovative products and concepts of Royal Koopmans.

Jolanda Marring

Kees Froeling is co-founder and consultant at the Dutch design.school StudioWHY where executes are trained on Design Thinking for young minded professionals and fast tracks for organisations. Before he started his own company Kees has worked as Business Development and Innovation manager for KPN followed by several positions dealing with human capital, the new way of working. Today he is specialized in on- and offline facilitation of team innovation and will facilitate the design thinking process of realtime innovation case in food ingredients.

Kees Froeling

The online masterclass is for innovation and business development executives in the food (ingredients) industry who wish to be informed and engaged with the latest insights and best practices in innovation with food ingredients.


Registration is open for members and non-members:

  • IFFI Members: participation is covered by the membership fee. *
    Please register by filling in your login details
  • Non-members: € 150,- per module (excl. VAT)

* IFFI members are employed by the IFFI member companies


As we would like to send all registered attendees a small gift before the start of the master class, we included a question in the registration form, asking for the (private) address, where the gift can be sent to.


Online event via virtual platform Spatial Chat.


18 March 2021 | 13:45
19 March 2021 | 12:15
Free – €150
Event Category:


Online event


+31 (6) 254 333 96