Global Sustainable Development Goals 2030
CEO’s of food companies like Emmanuel Faber – Danone, Alan Jope – Unilever and Feike Sybesma – DSM address the global challenges of a sustainable food system and use the economy of scale of their global businesses to make an impact by doing good. ‘Doubling the revenue, halving the footprint’ was the business goal of Unilever, set by its CEO Paul Polman in 2013. Leading by example, one of virtues of a true leader. Prof. drs. Philip Wagner will share his thoughts and insights on leadership in a business context, managing a business and addressing global challenges at the same time. ‘It’s not about purposefulness but it is about rightfulness’ and ‘On our way to a world, which I bigger than ourselves’ are examples of quotes by Philip Wagner, a thought leader and great speaker.